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Resources & Continuing Professional Development

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The Resources & Continuing Professional Development page is intended to support each FEDEC college's staff development needs. It will regularly update to set out opportunities linked to specific individual skills development.


It also details initiatives that support whole college workforce development strategies, including comprehensive links and information about them and how college partners and individuals leaders and managers can seek to engage with them.


A range of useful resource links are available including links to the SELEP SE Skills website and the Essex Opportunities website, both of which contain a huge amount of helpful resources, sign-posting and advice on accessing skills and training across the SE region and Essex.


Detailed below are the current 'live' FEDEC initiatives. Click on the navigation buttons to go to the relevant item. 

Further Forces Programme

The Further Forces Programme


This initiative is aimed at those senior college managers, Heads of Department and Heads of Human Resources, who are struggling to find suitable candidates to fill key lecturing posts within their departments. It is designed to raise awareness of the potential pool of candidates for these posts who are either about the leave the Armed Forces or who have already left the Armed Forces within the last two years.


What is even more advantageous is that the Further Forces Programme is actually providing education and training for these individuals which will lead to the award of the Certificate in Education or the Post Graduate Certificate in Education. 


The Team at the University of Portsmouth that are responsible for the organisation and delivery of this Programme are asking colleges across the country to sign up to this Programme. Once your college is signed up you will receive regular updates on potential candidates for your positions which you will share with them.


This really is a win-win for all parties!


How to register:




T: 023 9284 5268

About FFP

What is the Further Forces Programme?


  • It has been commissioned by the Education and Training Foundation (ETF) and part-funded by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation

  • It is delivered in the South of England by the University of Portsmouth

  • The Ministry of Defence is committed to supporting its service leavers make a successful transition into civilian life

  • There is a high demand within the FE sector for skilled teachers

  • The intention of the Further Forces Programme is to service both of these needs

  • Service Leavers will be provided with high-quality training leading to a nationally recognised teaching qualification

  • The teaching role is secured and the training is provided ‘on the job’ during the first two years of the programme

  • The programme is fully funded by the ETF and the Gatsby Charitable Foundation – there is no cost to the Service Leaver or the College


Who can apply?


  • Any service personnel who are planning to leave the Armed Forces, or who have left in the past two years

  • Service Leavers should have an interest in becoming a teacher in the FE Sector i.e. teaching students aged 16 and over


Why should Service Leavers apply?


  • All training and mentoring is fully funded by the ETF and Gatsby Charitable Foundation

  • Service Leavers will be assisted with sourcing employment with a FE provider

  • Service Leavers will be provided with high quality training leading to a Certificate in Education or Post Graduate Certificate in Education

  • Service Leavers will be continuously supported by a national mentoring programme (SET)

  • On successful completion of this programme Service Leavers will be eligible to apply for QTLS


Why Should FE Senior Leaders support this Programme?


  • Skills shortages: Science, Engineering and Technology

  • Recruiting technical experts in hard to fill areas including Mathematics


Are you able to offer:


  • Employment opportunities, either full-time or 0.8?

  • Placements?

  • Workplace visits/shadowing?

  • No COST involved

  • Existing Service Leavers employed can access funding for ITE


What does the teacher training element of the Programme offer?


Those that have designed this unique programme have taken on board past criticisms of the mismatch between the expectations of Service Leavers and the reality of teaching and managing within the FE environment. 


The following units of learning have been incorporated into the Programme:


Unit 1: Introduction into Teaching

Designed to give an overview of the Further Education Sector


Unit 2: Planning and Delivering Lessons

Helps Service Personnel to understand the importance of effective planning in a FE environment. Lesson plans will be produced as part of this unit.


Unit 3: Behaviour Management

The policies commonly in place at FE colleges regarding the management of student behaviour will be discussed and recognised by the Service Leaver.


Unit 4: Subject Knowledge Enhancement

This unit aims to support Service Leavers in developing their skillset in preparation for teaching their subject specialism in an FE environment, as well as directing them to the latest resources for maths and English enhancement.


Unit 5: Safeguarding and PREVENT

This unit provides an up-to-date and accessible introduction to the importance of Safeguarding in Education and also ensures that Service Leavers are already familiar with the government’s PREVENT agenda and the purpose of anti-radicalisation in general.


Unit 6: Preparing for employment in FE 

This final unit is designed to enhance the Service Leaver’s ability to write an effective application and offers guidance for the interview process in Further Education.

Emp & Skills Board


Working with Essex County Council Skills Team

The FEDEC Continuous Professional Development Group (CPD) is made up of senior managers from the FEDEC colleges. This Group is closely supported by the ECC Skills Strategy & Growth Team and specifically the Commissioners for Skills Development:


Richard Bambridge, West Essex, e-mail -


Elizabeth Gray - cross county - e-mail -


Annette Hall - North Essex - e-mail -


Hannah Kopel - South Essex, e-mail -


Caroline Betts - Skills Development Manager, ECC Skills Strategy & Growth Team, email -


Additionally FEDEC Colleges now have the support of a new Digital Skills Partnership Coordinator, via the new SELEP Digital Partnership who is Jim Wilkinson - e-mail


These members of the ECC Skills Strategy & Growth Team are keen to work with the Essex Colleges to ensure the following:


  • That colleges are linking with employers across Essex and discussing their skills needs;

  • That colleges are committed to the continuous professional development of their teaching staff, both as educators but also as professionals of other key sector areas;

  • That ECC funds are being used effectively to support the activities deemed appropriate by the ECC Skills Strategy & Growth Team.


Types of CPD that could be organised between FEDEC colleges and the ECC Skills Strategy & Growth Team:


  • Work shadowing by college teaching staff within employer premises;

  • Structured up-skilling sessions;

  • Key industry speaker presentations (webinars are being considered in order to reach maximum numbers of teaching staff for 2019)


How could these be organised?


The FEDEC website could be a location for the promotion and advertising of such CPD activities. However, in order for such events to be organised, we need engagement from colleges so that we know what college teaching staff believe is necessary for them to re/up-skill in their technical profession.


Please address all enquiries in the first instance to:


Katharine Ball, Director of FEDEC via Contact Page.



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